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Nutrition in Las Nubes — Jenna and Dacie

  Culminating a month long study of nutrition in Las Nubes, we are in the school house kitchen with wood smoldering under the steel cook top, fresh herbs cleaned off coarse stems, boiled potatoes and carrots steaming in a colander. Meanwhile, women dressed in bright fabrics, children bonking with energy, and men straight from the…

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Video on Semilla Nueva Work in Xacana Grande: Natalie Jamerson

Please enjoy this wonderful video that our volunteer Natalie Jamerson put together:

Rain in Excess

September of 2010 continued the extreme trend of this growing season. A solid week of rain again changed the shape of Guatemala. The entire country shifted daily tasks in order to compensate for mudslides that buried roads, overflowing rivers, bridges that washed away, and the pounding rain that pummeled crops. At Semilla Nueva we were…

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As the end of the rainy season approaches, my spirit brightens with the weather. I imagine spending afternoons outdoors, rather than the days spent inside watching it rain and hoping for safe roads so the terrumbes, or mudslides, will stop taking Guatemalan lives and washing away precious soils. It is times like these, as the…

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La Maquina Conference

Weather was harsh on the 29th of September, with wind and rains pounding the already inundated lands. The conference had been scheduled for weeks, but the rain was presenting a real threat –with farmers saying that they wouldn’t be able to make it if it was raining. Tropical storm Matthew loomed on the coast, and…

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TED talks: Jeremy Rifkin on “the empathic civilization” An awesome video on the innate driving forces of human social civilization. Not machiavellian but empathetic; based on caring, friendship and family.

Visit to New York and D.C.: Concrete Streets and Grassroots Feats

After nearly a year, Guatemala has seeped into me. I’ve become accustomed to the warmth and relaxed nature of the people and the simple meals of fresh corn tortillas, beans, and Nescafe. I delight in the friendly hellos to passersby, conversations on the bus or with someone on the street, and the bounty of smiles.

Campesino con Semilla Nueva

The peasant maintains respect and admiration for mother earth Because he understands that life flows from him And for this reason always to the bad practices will give the war Although by the damage caused to the earth, his soul is hurt

Human Ecology and Development in Guatemala

Hola! My name is Emelie Petersson. I am from Sweden and I am the newest volunteer member of the Semilla Nueva team. I have a bachelor’s degree in development studies from Lund University, Sweden, and I have also studied international relations and sustainable development at University of Adelaide, Australia. I am currently enrolled in a…

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Otto’s Urban Garden

Hi, my name is Otto Pierce, and I am down here in Guatemala helping Semilla Nueva with their urban rooftop gardening project. I am a native Vermonter, a sophomore at Middlebury College, and I just so happen to love playing in the dirt, especially if it happens to reside in a garden. With a little…

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