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Ensuring Essential Nutrients Amid COVID-19 Through Biofortified Maize

Feed the Future

Interview with Curt on December 11, 2020


Radio Infinita – Fijeseque

Emprendimiento del Futuro on November 19, 2020

Nueva Narrativa

Interview with Curt on November 2, 2020


La Red Noticias 106.1

Interview with Curt on October 28, 2020

Regla de Tres TV

“We cannot solve global poverty without solving chronic malnutrition”


Interview with Curt on October 16, 2020

(1hr, 44min)

Radio Libertópolis

Interview with Curt on October, 14 2020

(2 min)

Radio Infinita – Poplitics

Promueven Nueva Semilla Contra la Desnutrición

La República

Combatir la Desnutrición con Mejor Maíz

Columna La Hora

Interview with Curt on September 17, 2020

Radio Infinita – Con Criterio

Interview with Curt on September 8, 2020

(26 min)

Radio Infinita – Temas y Debates

The case for zinc as part of COVID-19 response efforts


Fighting Malnutrition with Better Corn

Rotary International

Nine Social Innovators Named GLG Social Impact Fellows


Siete emprendimientos sociales de éxito en México y Centroamérica

(1hr, 17min)

Compromiso Empresarial

Working to End Malnutrition in Guatemala

Reflections on What Makes a Social Entrepreneur

The Huffington Post

Did You Know That Diet is Related to Income?


5 Social Change Pros Offer Advice to Young Entrepreneurs


The Role of Biofortified Maize in Responding to Northern Triangle Migration to the U.S.

Michigan Journal of Public Affairs

Jake Weisenthal’s Spark Talk On Semilla Nueva

2017 ROI Summit

Transitioning to Digital Data Collection

Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

The Greatest Humanitarians

Voice Tribune