Semilla Nueva fights malnutrition and poverty with better corn.

In 2023:

Farmer families used our seeds

Individuals ate biofortified corn

Why Corn?

Worldwide, malnutrition is the number one cause of childhood and maternal death. Those who survive face lasting consequences and are trapped in an intergenerational cycle of poverty.

In much of Africa and Central America, in some of the most malnourished countries, corn is the basis of the diet, but it lacks a few of the most important nutrients children need.

Learn more.

Better corn improves incomes for families and nutrition for children.

We help farmers access new corn seeds, with higher levels of the most important missing nutrients, higher yields, and resilience to climate change.

Our model is simple: we package what children and mothers most need (better nutrition) with what farmers most want (better incomes to break the cycle of poverty).

Our seeds are not GMO and we do not believe in patents.

Come with us.

Right now, 900 million people eat corn three times a day, and 2 billion people are expected to depend on corn in the future. Join us on our quest to improve the nutrition of 100 million people in ten years.


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